Did Dr. Deming forbid setting goals? Dive into this discussion about healthy goal setting, learn why your process matters, and the four things you need to understand before you start on goals. This episode is the first in a 4-part series about goal setting.
Read Full Article“The Cloud” is a metaphor for the top level of corporate authority – the CEO, CFO, CTO and maybe some Vice President positions. And if you’re trying to transform an organization, your ideas need to penetrate the Cloud – but how? In this episode, Bill Bellows and host Andrew Stotz talk about influencing others with the aim of transformation.
Read Full ArticleWhat does it mean to “commit” to transformation? What does “transformation” mean? In this episode, John Dues and host Andrew Stotz discuss Point 14 of Dr. Deming’s 14 Points for Management – with John’s interpretations for educators.
Read Full ArticleIn this episode, Bill Bellows and host Andrew Stotz talk about where and how to start using your new knowledge when you’re learning Deming.
Read Full ArticleWhat’s the difference between education and training? Why is the distinction important? How does the Deming lens offer a new perspective on teacher effectiveness? In this episode, John Dues and host Andrew Stotz talk about why it’s important to go beyond skills training and encourage education for personal growth.
Read Full ArticleHow do grading systems, teacher ratings, school rankings, and other programs like those create barriers to learning? Should we eliminate them entirely, or do they have their place? John Dues and host Andrew Stotz talk about how to preserve joy in learning.
Read Full ArticleMany businesses equate “manager” with “leader,” excluding potential leaders from across the organization. In this episode, Bill Bellows and host Andrew Stotz talk about leadership in Deming organizations – with a great story about senior “leaders” making a huge error in judgment at a conference of auditors.
Read Full ArticleWho wins when teams and team members compete with each other? In this final episode in the Role of a Manager in Education series, David Langford and Andrew Stotz discuss why cooperation beats competition, particularly in schools.
Read Full ArticleWhat are unhurried conversations, and why should managers prioritize them? In this episode, David Langford and host Andrew Stotz talk about the kinds of conversations managers should be having with their team members.
Read Full ArticleQuotas, arbitrary targets, work standards with numerical goals – these don’t seem to apply to schools. But, as John Dues and host Andrew Stotz discuss, quotas show up a lot in classrooms, causing harm and preventing improvement.
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