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Smart Thinking On Investing – August 19

08/19/2016 |

Smart Thinking On Investing – August 19 This week, I wanted to share with you Natalia Angulo-Hinkson from Circa’s findings, on how millennials are spending money due to social media influences. Michael Lewis’s piece on Money Crashers outlines three main risks to avoid when investing in the stock market. And The BigLaw Investor offers his advice on what uncompensated risk…

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Smartphones & Meetings: The Two Things Killing Your Ability to Focus

08/18/2016 |

William Treseder from the Harvard Business Review offers his insight on the two daily distractions we encounter that are pulling our attention away from what’s truly important at work. Check out my key insights from the article. Embed from Getty Images     Immediately checking your phone when you awake increases your stress response—begin the…

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How Quality Management Can Integrate Technical and Human Systems

08/17/2016 |

John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog, discusses the best approach to integrating technical quality and human management systems within your company. See below for my main insights from the article. Embed from Getty Images   The ideal situation is to mix the technical tools which companies bring in (control charts or…

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Effects of Coffee; It’s All in Your Genes

08/16/2016 |

The New York Times’s Anahad O’Connor shares his discoveries into the conflicting evidence we read about coffee and it’s effects. I’ve summarised some of the key takeaways from the article below. Embed from Getty Images   For years, there’s been vast disagreement on whether coffee is good or bad for your health, with much conflicting…

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The Art of a Non-Sucky Presentation

08/15/2016 |

Read Melanie Pinola’s take from Lifehacker on ways to master creating presentations that don’t suck, I lifted some key insights together for you here. Embed from Getty Images   Presentation going on forever? Feel like you haven’t achieved anything—either as presenter or as the audience member? All signs of a sucky presentation Simplify your slides;…

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Smart Thinking On Investing – August 12

08/12/2016 |

Smart Thinking On Investing – August 12 While it’s not possible to summarize all 22 financial mistakes that Candice Elliott—editor for Listen Money Matters—highlights, I picked out my key insights from the article. Also, check out PureWow who teaches us about six things we can and should negotiate discounts for. And Kayla, guest blogger at Make Money…

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Become A Good Time Manager

08/11/2016 |

For tips on better time management check out Celestine Chua’s article from Lifehack. These are my main insights from her article.   Embed from Getty Images   Plan each day, assign time limits to the tasks you have in front of you, and update your calendar regularly; set out your deadlines in it clearly—that way…

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DOWNTIME: What Every Business Wants to Avoid

08/10/2016 |

Embed from Getty Images DOWNTIME; a lean six sigma acronym to help avoid eight business wastes that may be costing your company money Though they’re intended for the manufacturing industry, the acronyms can be applied to any service based industry to avoid profit loss The wastes themselves are anything that don’t add value to your…

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Coffee Food Waste Now Improving Chocolate

08/09/2016 |

Embed from Getty Images   The leftover cherry fruits of the coffee plant used to go in the trash but they’re now being turned into coffee flour The fruits start to decay quickly after they’re picked from the beans, so until now have been creating piles of rotting pulp no good for anything but worms…

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Make Presentations Great With Eye-Catching Visuals

08/08/2016 |

Embed from Getty Images   Get your audience hooked by beginning with visuals that add an element of mystery to the opening of your presentation Don’t give everything away with your chosen visual though; it should offer worth to your presentation but not be overly self-explanatory Use viusals to add life, they don’t just have…

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