Today, Bubba Page discusses how you can supercharge your productivity at work without it damaging your health. See my key takeaways for more details. Embed from Getty Images Try and avoid sitting at your desk for lunch, it’s good to step away from your computer to take a break, and you’re less likely to…
Read Full ArticleCarolyn Pexton examines six sigma and it’s benefits for iSixSigma; see my summary for key points from her piece. Embed from Getty Images Six Sigma is a great tool to improve quality and throughput, resulting in positive effects on the bottom line Only by addressing inefficiencies can an organization hope to make progress…
Read Full ArticleAn enlightening piece today; Anna Brones talks us through what cowboy coffee really is for Read my key takeaways from her article below. Embed from Getty Images Cowboy coffee’s fans are all about the simplicity of it’s nature, “Hot water, coffee, and time—that’s it” It’s as much about the coffee as it is…
Read Full ArticleToday, read Inc.’s article by Rowena Crosbie as she debunks 14 myths about giving presentations. Check out my key insights from her piece. Embed from Getty Images Only use humor or a joke if it’s appropriate to support your message otherwise leave the gags to the comedians Body language is as powerful as the…
Read Full ArticleSmart Thinking On Investing – September 2 This week, I have a collection of very different articles to share, starting with The Big Law Investor’s piece written to shake you up and get you motivated on route to financial independence. Brittany Hunter for the Generation Opportunity Institute discovers that while millennials are dedicated to the idea…
Read Full ArticleI found this article from Brightside about habits you should pick up to get you on the right path to your dreams quite inspirational. Read my key insights below. Embed from Getty Images Waking up early and making the most of the day is a great way to start your mornings; it also helps…
Read Full ArticleToday, Michael Lowenstein asks the question, “Why, Oh Why, Is ANYBODY Still Measuring Customer Satisfaction?” in a blog post for CustomerThink. See my key takeaways below. Embed from Getty Images Retention is about what keeps a customer coming back i.e. their behavior, but satisfaction is very different Customer satisfaction has very little effect…
Read Full ArticleToday, I took my key insights from Plus55’s article about the world’s biggest coffee exporter; Brazil, and how despite that, they’re terrible at marketing this fact. Embed from Getty Images For decades, rather than exporting coffee as a specialty product and promoting it’s brand, Brazil has been selling it as a commodity instead It…
Read Full ArticleCheck out my summary of Richard Feloni’s article in Business Insider on presentation advice, according to 2014 Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking, Dananjaya Hettiarachchi. Embed from Getty Images Summarize your presentation’s message in fewer than 10 words Your title must be attention-grabbing—add a little mystery to it too Great speakers have the…
Read Full ArticleSmart Thinking On Investing – August 26 I wanted to share a few different pieces this week, starting with Kate Warne’s article on the risk involved with not investing from the site Edward Jones. Yes and Yes author, Sarah Von Bargen’s proposition to “want less” in life. And John Schmoll’s take on the investing lies that…
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