Michael Ballé and Jeff Liker collaborate to discuss how Lean thinking challenges the way we approach management. See below for more observations from the article. Embed from Getty Images Executives at management level sometimes struggle to grasp the concept of Lean, because they fail to understand the absolute obsession with strategy that Lean thinking…
Read Full ArticleEmbed from Getty Images Today, in the modern era of advanced technology you need to implement a couple of competitive strategies to stay at the top market leading position. Dr. William Edwards Deming is well renowned for his contribution to the Japanese industrial revival after WWII. From his expertise in the Statistical Product Quality…
Read Full ArticleThe people at Bright Side reveal the effects coffee has on your body after being drunk. Read my key takeaways from their piece. Embed from Getty Images In the first 10 – 20 minutes, you’ll start to feel more attentive and awake, as your blood pressure and heart rate rise 30 – 40 minutes…
Read Full ArticleWriting for Forbes, author Carmine Gallo reveals that TED talks are setting the benchmark for public speaking at an all time high. Check out my insights for how to match this level below. Embed from Getty Images Great TED speakers connect with their audience as soon as they walk on stage—creating a bond as…
Read Full ArticleSmart Thinking On Investing – March 3 Stefanie O’Connell heads up Smart Thinking this week by asking if we should let money problems come between us and our partners in her self-named blog. Modest Money’s Spencer Mecham unlocks the keys to financial independence. And the Financial Panther teaches us to embrace an alternative way of…
Read Full ArticleGoogler Thomas Davies reveals how we can design the use of our time rather than try to over manage it for Fast Company. Check out my observations below. Embed from Getty Images It doesn’t seem to matter how hard we work and how much we try; time seems to slip from us Avoid burnout…
Read Full ArticleIndustry Week’s John Dyer asks if Dr. Deming would have embraced today’s Lean and Six Sigma principles if he was still alive. See my summaries from his piece underneath. Embed from Getty Images Many argue how Dr. Deming would side on the Lean vs. Six Sigma debate if he was still around, but both…
Read Full ArticleKatherine Marko of The Alternative Daily shares some of the science behind why coffee makes us got to the bathroom. Read on for more information. Embed from Getty Images Considered a diuretic, studies show that those who drink coffee regularly build up a tolerance to such properties, but coffee can be a stimulant behind…
Read Full ArticleDr Nick Morgan helps us prepare to be the best public speakers we can in 2017 with his helpful truths from Forbes today. Check out my key insights from his article below. Embed from Getty Images With the competition growing, when you give a presentation today you need to be killing it; begin by…
Read Full ArticleSmart Thinking On Investing – February 24 The Thrifty Issue heads up this week’s Smart Thinking by suggesting original ways to live for free. Tonya Stumphauzer, author of the Budget and the Beach blog, reveals how we can stay motivated even if we’ve passed early retirement age. And Scott Alan Turner helps us reach the…
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