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Can analysts predict the future direction of a stock?

06/03/2014 |

After seeing that analyst target prices in Asia are inaccurate, the obvious next question was whether they could at least predict the direction of the stocks they cover so intensely. I was an analyst for most of my career but what I realize now is that I never had time to stop and think about…

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Target Prices Destroys Value

05/27/2014 |

When managing your portfolio one important thing to consider is to limit the downside. To limit your downside is very important for your terminal wealth, and your terminal wealth is what matters. If you can limit your downside, the compounded returns will do the job for you building your terminal wealth over a longer time…

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Do YOU Know How to Make Money from Dreams and Nightmares?

05/20/2014 |

Know the ‘Dream Factor’ to make money in stocks Understanding where stock market returns come from in Asia’s markets One dollar became 258, but where did it come from? If an investor put one dollar in Asian stock markets (excluding Japan) in 2000 and let it grow until the end of 2013 they would have…

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Stop Wasting Time, Start Adding Value – Value Drivers, Risk

05/13/2014 |

In this third part the focus will be on how changes in risk affects your portfolio return. Inside you’ll find evidence that challenges the conventional wisdom that “High risk = High return” and instead shows that you can get Low risk and High return! Value Drivers: Risk – Stop Wasting Time, Start Adding Value, Part III…

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Stop Wasting Time, Start Adding Value – Value Drivers, Growth

05/08/2014 |

The second and third part will focus on value drivers, namely growth and risk. In this second part I’ll talk about growth as a value driver and answer the question: Can you make money by surprise? Value Drivers: Growth – Stop Wasting Time, Start Adding Value, Part II from Andrew Stotz, PhD, CFA

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Stop Wasting Time, Start Adding Value – Forecasting

04/29/2014 |

In six parts I will teach you how to Stop Wasting Time and Start Adding Value on the two topics: Stock picking and Managing a portfolio. This first part will focus on forecasting and will give you insights regarding how forecasting adds value to investment performance. Forecasting – Stop Wasting Time, Start Adding Value, Part…

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Thai Politics: It’s a Street Fight

04/29/2014 |

This presentation was done in late January 2014, however it is still relevant though the political situation in Thailand still remains unstable.The presentation is a short historical analysis of what have actually happened in Thai politics since the 1980’s. It will bring some insights to the political turmoil that started in late 2013 and has…

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