What can Dr. Deming’s famous Red Bead Experiment teach us about quality? What happens when you only focus on the bad, and ignore the good? In this episode Bill Bellows and Andrew Stotz discuss acceptability vs desirability in the context of the Red Beads and a few of the 14 Points for Management.
Read Full ArticleIn this episode, John Dues and Andrew Stotz discuss the first part of John’s path for improvement model – setting the challenge. Using an example from United Schools Network, John explains their aspirations for cutting chronic absenteeism rates.
Read Full ArticleContinuing their discussion from part 3 of this series, Bill Bellows and Andrew Stotz talk more about acceptability versus desirability. In this episode, the discussion focuses on how you might choose between the two.
Read Full ArticleIn this new series, Jacob Stoller and Andrew Stotz discuss five major management and productivity myths and how Lean and Deming thinking solve them. This first episode offers an overview and Jacob shares his journey from traditional management to a better way.
Read Full ArticleIn this new series, John Dues and Andrew Stotz discuss John’s model for improvement. This episode includes an overview of the model and how John uses it for goal-setting and planning in his school.
Read Full ArticleIs reaching A+ quality always the right answer? What happens when you consider factors that are part of the system, and not just the product in isolation? In this episode, Bill Bellows and Andrew Stotz discuss acceptability versus desirability in the quality realm.
Read Full ArticleIn this episode, Bill Bellows and Andrew Stotz discuss David Garvin’s 8 Dimensions of Quality and how they apply in the Deming world. Bill references this article by Garvin.
Read Full ArticleWhere did your “quality journey” start? In this first episode of a new series on quality, Bill Bellows shares his “origin story,” the evolution of his thinking, and why the Deming philosophy is unique.
Read Full ArticleIn the final episode of the goal setting in classrooms series, John Dues and Andrew Stotz discuss the last three of the 10 Key Lessons for implementing Deming in schools. They finish up with the example of Jessica’s 4th-grade science class.
Read Full ArticleIn this episode, John Dues and Andrew Stotz apply lessons five through seven of the 10 Key Lessons for implementing Deming in classrooms. They continue using Jessica’s fourth-grade science class as an example to illustrate the concepts in action.
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