Smart Company’s Eve Ash walks us through the common mistakes we tend to make when giving presentations. Check out my key takeaways below. Embed from Getty Images The usual problems that speakers find themselves making when giving a presentation is that they can’t control their anxiety, they don’t connect with their audience, it’s one-way,…
Read Full ArticleSmart Thinking On Investing – March 17 Kicking off Smart Thinking this week is Stacey, author of Creating My Happiness blog, who reveals that sometimes spending money can save you money. Money Nuggets walks us through finding the right debt solution. And Broke Millennial Erin Lowry helps us see the value in “worthless degrees.” …
Read Full ArticleDonald Latumahina, writer of the blog Life Optimizer, reveals his methods on how not to get overwhelmed at work by managing your time better. See my key insights below. Embed from Getty Images Improved time management isn’t about getting even more done; it’s about prioritizing your time to achieve things better Define your purpose,…
Read Full ArticleSix Sigma share techniques for implementing the Japanese Kaizen culture within your company. Read on for more information. Embed from Getty Images The Japanese expression ‘Kaizen’ is about producing “good change,” and it has been used to influence development in business management Implement Kaizen in your company by encouraging everyone in the company to…
Read Full ArticleFor the Art of Wellbeing, Brendan Brown shares his guide to being clever about your coffee drinking. Check out my observations from his piece below. Embed from Getty Images Rather than drinking coffee as soon as you wake, optimize the boost it will give your cortisol levels by having your first cup just…
Read Full ArticleChristina DesMarais walks us through her techniques to keeping your audience wide awake and engaged in your presentation in her article for Read my top takeaways below. Embed from Getty Images Use visual images and explanatory metaphors to convey your message rather than bulleted text, these methods of ‘painting a picture’ are…
Read Full ArticleEmbed from Getty Images Deming’s Style Dr. W. Edwards Deming illustrated his management style through the creation of his 14 points. These were a comprehensive list of what he saw wrong in management and what he thought should be done to improve it. Understanding these 14 main principles and applying them to company…
Read Full ArticleSmart Thinking On Investing – March 10 Jennie Duong of The Origami Life heads up Smart Thinking this week discussing how to get your family talking more openly about money. Cashville Skyline’s own Kate Dore reveals why your scarcity mindset is holding you back. And Maggie Germano in her self-named blog examines the distinction between…
Read Full ArticleVery few people in this world get to expand their horizons enough to accomplish several goals within their lifetime. Dr. William Edwards Deming was one of those few people who, historically, managed to do just that, with a very successful career that involved engineering, teaching, writing, lecturing, and management in many fields and industries. William…
Read Full ArticleDr. Travis Bradberry discusses how smart people are making the most of their time; working less and getting more done. See my summaries below for more details. Embed from Getty Images It’s possible to boost your working week and take more time off; by optimizing your productivity After 50 hours of work in an…
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